Cyndi Zaweski

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10 Copywriting Tips Worth Stealing

Swipe these 10 copywriting tips to make your content marketing more compelling.

Copywriting is like catching lightning in a bottle.  

  • Expressing Your One-Of-Kind Value

  • Bringing To Life The Transformation Of Your Offer

  • Putting The Expertise Into Your Head into Something Tangible For An Audience 

This is the art of professional copywriting. But hey, not everyone is a professional writer — or has the budget (yet) to hire one. But that doesn’t mean you can’t find the words that work magic for your business. 

Fortunately, for non-writers, copywriters aren’t magicians. Which means I am free to spill the secrets behind the trade. 

What you need to know right now is copywriting is one of the most critical aspects of your content marketing strategy. So, no matter how bad you think you are at writing, it’s always worth the effort to improve. When done correctly, copywriting can help you establish your brand voice and authority and set the stage for marketing success. 

Now, let’s dive into the nuts and bolts of how to implement these 10 copywriting tips and tricks for a more compelling message.

#1. Throw Out What You Learned in School 

Honestly, this is probably one of the best copywriting tips of all. To be truly successful with your words, forget everything you learned in English class. (Sorry, Mr. Stahl)

You know those long essays you had to write? And how your teacher would freak out if you started a sentence with a conjunction or ended it with a preposition? Yeah, let’s throw all of that out.  

Instead, start and end your sentences however you’d like – as long as they make sense. Write how you’d speak so your copy sounds uniquely you. (Now I’m not saying to forego the basics, because 74% of online users do pay attention to spelling and grammar on websites.) But, no matter what style of writing you choose, make sure you keep it conversational and consistent!  

#2. Keep the Spotlight on Them 

Next up in my top 10 tips for copywriting is shifting your focus from yourself and your business to your visitors and audience. 

Whether you’re writing a website page, a social media post, or any other type of content for your business, always, always keep the spotlight on your audience! Trust me. I know this can be hard. It’s easy to slip into telling your story, sharing your WHY, or explaining how excited you are about something. But the truth is, they didn’t land on your page or post for you, they landed there for them.  

So, remind them every step of the way why something applies to them or how it helps them. Make them feel like your focus is on solving the issues they may be experiencing.  

Pro tip: Pay attention to how often you say “I” and “we.” Review every instance, and see how you can change the sentence to a “you” perspective instead. 

#3. Have a Clear Message 

Another common mistake entrepreneurs make when writing is not having a clear message. Turn this weakness into a strength by clearly defining the goal of your copy.  

No matter what you’re trying to do — engage, inspire action, or establish your authority — keep the focus on that as you write. Then, wipe out all the spots that don’t do this. By clarifying your message, you’ll cut through the noise and make sure your message lands. It’ll turn the conversions up and cut your frustration time down. 

#4. Give Them the Deets 

Can you imagine if Titanic went like this: “A really big boat was created. People boarded. Then they died.”  

Sure, that’s the story, but it doesn’t share the specifics. And yet the specifics are what create the action and the excitement! It’s what makes the story come alive. So while you’re clarifying your message with the copywriting tips above, try to find a good balance between being concise and engaging. You still want to give your readers the words and context they need to better connect with the story. 

#5. Show Them Who You Are 

Remember when I told you to throw out everything your high school English teacher taught you? Well, this copywriting tip goes hand-in-hand with that one! 

So much of connecting with your audience comes down to your audience connecting with who you and your brand are. That’s why you should infuse words and phrases you often say into your copy. It helps your audience feel like they understand you and that your brand is consistent, whether they’re scrolling Instagram or reading an email.  

#6. Make Your Copy Interactive 

If you’re an introvert, you probably know better than anyone that unless you’re prompted, you’re not engaging.  

If you want your audience to engage with your content and take action, you have to make your copy interactive. Ask questions and encourage comments. Here are two examples, the first is meant to give you more information about your audience, while the second is meant to drive simple engagement:  

  • “Have you tried this strategy in your business? Let us know below!”  

  • “Drop an emoji in the comments if this resonated.”  

These simple calls for action prompt your audience to become a part of your copy even more.  

#7. Catchy CTAs 

I'm going to be honest with you. Those standard “shop now” or “click here” CTAs? They don’t do it for your audience anymore.  

The truth is, CTAs are a form of microcopy with the potential to make significant changes to your conversion rates!  

Spice things up – not only by turning the attention on your audience but by stepping outside the box. Try CTAs like:  

  • Cash in these savings! 

  • Get your discount now! 

  • Discover a new you! 

CTAs should get your audience’s attention and entice them to take action. When done correctly, CTAs can even reaffirm your ideals while empowering your customer. 

#8. Selling? Focus on Benefits. Not Features. 

Listen, we all know you’ve poured blood, sweat, and tears into creating a great offer. Some customers want to see those features, but most of them are looking for more.  

They want you to explain (in detail!) what the features REALLY do for them.  

What exactly does that mean? That means connecting the features of your services or products with the results or benefits they provide those who invest in them.  

Do you offer a week of Voxer access? Wonderful! Let them know they get direct access to you whenever their problems arise, so they’re fully supported.  

Do they get lifetime access to your Kajabi portal? Brilliant! Remind them they can return to the lessons anytime they’re feeling uninspired or need a refresher.  

When you focus on benefits over features, you’ll knock down their objections! 

#9. Cut Down Your Sentences 

Speaking of knocking things down, let’s talk about cutting down your sentences.  

Another holdover habit from our old-school writing ways is lengthy paragraphs. Back then, packed, long sentences showed off our impressive knowledge. Not the same now. Your audience thrives on short sentences! They’re more digestible, they get to the point quicker, and they can be read faster.  

Remember, you’re not the only one moving at lightning speed!  

So before you hit the publish, send, or post button, get rid of any confusing run-on sentences. Give each thought and idea its own space! 

#10. Invoke the Art of Storytelling 

Last but certainly not least in my top 10 tips for copywriting is a reminder to lean into the art of storytelling.  

Storytelling is the force behind copywriting, and no list of copywriting tips is complete without it. Whenever possible, share stories that stir your reader’s emotions. This, above all else, is what gets them to hit the purchase button. (After all, people buy on emotion!)  

Tell stories that evoke feelings that connect your audience to your message, and use strategic writing to move them through their pain points and their pleasure points, too.  

Want to take a deeper dive? Check out How To Use Brand Storytelling On Instagram.

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