3 Steps To Attract Motivated Clients With Content

You’ll have a better chance of going viral if you’re able to speak to the current version your ideal client. You’ll have a better chance of making an impact (and reoccurring sales) if you speak to the higher version they are actively trying to become.

It’s frustrating to land clients who are not willing to do the work needed to achieve the results they desire.

You may have spent hours crafting the perfect website, developing an impactful brand message, and creating compelling content that resonated with your target audience only to hop on discovery call after discovery call only to find, you're not attracting clients who are ready to invest in themselves and take action.

Rest assured we’re all been there. A prospective client once came to my content marketing agency with a goal of reaching $10,000 in sales in 90 days. She was willing to pay be $500 to make that happen. It was misalignment on so many levels.

That's where the power of aspirational content comes in. By creating content that showcases an achievable lifestyle that resonates with your target audience, you can attract clients who are motivated and ready to do the work to achieve their goals. This is the type of content works because it highlights the potential benefits of your services and the results that your clients can achieve.

In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of aspirational content. Plus, I’ll provide actionable prompts and real world marketing examples. By the end, you’ll know how to easily apply these content marketing concepts to your own posts.

What is Aspirational Content?

If lear jets, exotic beaches, and luxury threads come to mind when you think of aspirational content, think again. Aspirational isn’t just about having better stuff — unless your audience is into that sorta thing.

Aspirational content is all about creating a lifestyle for your audience that aligns with their desires, values, and goals.It showcases an achievable outcome that resonates with your target audience, inspiring them to take action and achieve their goals.

Have you ever wondered what it looks like to be a thought leader in your industry? Forbes got it right in a recent article. To paraphrase: content marketing solves today’s problems while thought leadership content solves tomorrow’s problems. Aspirational content is about anticipating the needs of your audience.

The Benefits of Aspirational Content

  • Attract motivated clients: By showcasing an achievable lifestyle that resonates with your target audience, you can attract clients who are motivated and ready to engage with your brand.

  • Create a lasting impact: Aspirational content leaves a lasting impression on your readers, inspiring them to take action and achieve their goals.

  • Build trust: By creating honest, valuable content that speaks directly to your target audience's desires and values, you can build trust and credibility with your readers.

  • Differentiate yourself: Aspirational content can set your brand apart from the competition. By showcasing a unique and desirable lifestyle that resonates with your target audience, you can differentiate yourself and attract clients who are looking for something different.

Now that you know the benefits of aspirational content, here are a few prompts to help you create your own in three steps:

  1. Find Your Target Audience

Before you can create aspirational content, you need to know who your target audience is. You need to understand their desires, values, and goals, and what motivates them to take action.

Aspiration is all about creating a lifestyle that resonates with your consumers, reflecting their true selves. By understanding your target audience through in-depth case studies and voice-of-customer data, you can uncover their desires and sources of inspiration.

This insight will help you tailor your content to speak directly to their aspirations. For example, if you're a life coach targeting busy professionals, you might identify your target audience as individuals who value work-life balance, freedom, and success.

Prompts for Finding Your Target Audience

Here are a few prompts to help you identify your target audience of motivated buyers:

  • Who is the person(s) who best benefits from your brand’s existence?

  • What values does that person have? Which values motivate them?

  • What does your ideal client have to know to be successful in [your area of expertise]?

2. Showcase What’s Possible

Once you've identified your target audience, it's time to showcase an achievable lifestyle that resonates with their desires and values. This could be anything from financial freedom to better health and wellness, a fulfilling career, or strong relationships.

When you infuse your content with aspirations and values that align with your target audience, you can attract the right clients who are genuinely motivated to engage with your brand. By showcasing a lifestyle that is both desirable and within their reach, you offer them a compelling reason to choose your product or service.

Prompts for Aspirational Content

Once you've identified your target audience, it's time to showcase an achievable lifestyle that resonates with their desires and values. It’s key that they align with you own brand values. Here are a few prompts to help you create aspirational content:

  • What kind of lifestyle does your target audience aspire to? What are some concrete examples of that lifestyle?

  • How can your services help your target audience achieve that lifestyle?

  • How can you showcase those results in tangible way? The easiest way to do this in real life is to show how you live out your values.

  • What story can you share to showcase an achievable lifestyle that resonates with your target audience?

    For example, training your body to get up at 5 a.m.

3. Pinpoint Actionable Steps

Gone are the days of promoting unattainable dreams; instead, you want to showcase a reality that is within reach. To create aspirational content that works, you need to provide actionable steps that your readers can take to achieve their goals. By providing tangible steps that your readers can take to make progress, you can inspire them to take action and engage with your brand.

For example, if you're a health coach targeting individuals who want to lose weight, you might provide actionable steps to help readers get started, such as creating a vegan meal plan, starting an exercise routine, or joining a support group.

Prompts for Providing Actionable Steps

  • What are the first steps that your target audience can take to achieve their goals?

  • What kind of resources can you provide to help your readers achieve their goals?

  • How can you use storytelling and case studies to showcase the steps that your clients have taken to achieve their goals?

  • How can you provide ongoing support and guidance as your clients take action and achieve their goals?

Aspirational Content Marketing Example

The ASOS Campaign: Inspiring Unlimited Self-Expression

An excellent example of a successful aspirational campaign is the one run by ASOS in 2018 with the tagline "my style is never done." grammar rules be damned. ASOS used this phrase captured the most aspirational of lifestyles - the idea that we are constantly evolving and creating our own unique styles. ASOS appealed to their primarily under-40 audience by highlighting limitless self-expression as a key value. They achieved this by conducting in-depth case studies and gathering voice-of-customer data to truly understand what their audience wanted and what inspired them.

Types Of Aspirational Content

  1. Testimonials

    Think of transformations that last.

    For example, "Cyndi’s program changed the way I'll look at content forever. I've been able to position myself as an expert and thought leader, which landed me guest spots on podcasts. I'm having so much impact with my message."

  2. Storytelling Posts

    The hero's journey is a framework for crafting a compelling story. This is your golden opportunity to invite your audience to experience the transformation you provide. Paint the picture of the long-term gains they can receive if they work with you. It can be goals or dreams or hopes.

  3. Educational Posts With Context

    With emotional transformation content (relatable content) ideal clients are (mostly) aware of their fears and desires. Aspirational content on the other hand makes 'em say, "You can help me with that too?!" Educational content with an aspirational flair makes them problem/solution aware. For example, aspirational motivations could include: Scale with predictability. Path to financial understanding that will be the foundation for all your money-making decisions in the future.


    1. The Number One Way Small Business Owners Can Scale With Predictability

    2. X Numbers Business Owners Need To Know To Plan For Retirement

    3. X Ways To Know If You’re Financially Ready to Scale

Aspirational vs. Relatable Content

While aspirational content focuses on showcasing an ideal, desirable lifestyle that your target audience aspires to, relatable content focuses on empathy, commonalities, and shared experiences. Both types of content can be effective in different ways.

Aspirational content can attract clients who are motivated and looking for something to strive for, while relatable content can build trust and a sense of community with your readers. By combining aspirational and relatable content, you can create a powerful content marketing strategy that speaks directly to the hearts and minds of your target audience.

For instance, as a health coach, you can use aspirational content to showcase the active and vibrant lifestyle that your clients can achieve through your services. You can highlight success stories of clients who have transformed their health and achieved their goals. In contrast, you can create relatable content that addresses common struggles such as finding time to exercise or sticking to a healthy meal plan.

By sharing personal anecdotes and practical tips, you can connect with your audience on a deeper level, building trust and rapport.

Attract Clients with Aspirational Content

Creating aspirational content is a powerful tool for attracting motivated clients to your content marketing services. By identifying your target audience, showcasing an achievable lifestyle that resonates with their desires and values, highlighting the potential benefits of your services, and providing actionable steps that they can take to achieve their goals, you can create content that works.

By creating aspirational content that speaks directly to the hearts and minds of your target audience, you can differentiate yourself, build trust, and create a lasting impact. Use these prompts to start attracting clients who are ready to invest in themselves and take action.

Happy Creating! 

Cyndi, Owner of Ascent StoryCraft

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Cyndi Zaweski

Hey! I’m Cyndi, the owner of Ascent StoryCraft. I’m all about helping you create content your audience cares about. Looking for insight on what to say — and how to say it — online to get clients calling? Drop me a line.


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