Content Marketing Case Study: Lead Generation Strategy

“My engagement went up and I was able to get more than 200 people on the waitlist of my new program launch.”

Neha's not the kind of nutritionist who'll just tell you to watch your calories and call it a day.

Nope, she's here to shake things up in the nutrition world with a vibe that's all about flavor-packed, feel-good eats, especially for the Desi-American crowd.

She's been in the same boat as her clients, so she gets the drill. And what did she do? Rolled up her sleeves and whipped up this awesome Desi Nutrition Academy course late in 2023.

We got down to brass tacks with a Content Strategy Intensive that's all about sharing Neha's story and smarts to get people lining up for her course launch in 2024.

Keep on reading to catch the full story on how we knocked it out of the park with Ascent StoryCraft, blowing Neha’s waitlist numbers out of the water and cranking up the buzz on her Instagram.

At Desi Nutrition Academy, content marketing example

The Challenge

Many business owners excel in their field but find it challenging to effectively communicate their expertise and benefits through online content. Nutritionist Neha Shah faced a similar dilemma.

Despite a clear understanding of her niche and the benefits provided through their services, they struggled to translate this into content that would attract and engage their target audience.

This gap hindered her ability to establish herself as trusted industry leader and limited their online engagement, especially on platforms like Instagram.

cyndi zaweski content marketer writes at her desk

The Solution

We rolled up our sleeves and tackled Neha's challenge from all angles.

  1. Market Research: First off, we did our homework, diving deep into what the market's all about and what gets the audience ticking.

  2. Structured Core Messaging: With all that intel, we pinpointed Neha’s core message. While it was always on the tip of her tongue, we got what she always wanted to say to her audience down on paper.

  3. Smart Marketing Psychology: We got a little brainy with marketing psychology, using the familiarity principle. This is all about repeating the same catchy message across different spots, like Instagram and emails.

    It's a tried-and-true trick that makes brands like Neha's stick in your mind. Why does this matter? Because when people feel like they know your tune, they're more likely to sing along – that's gold for any brand.

At Desi Nutrition Academy, content marketing example

The Content Marketing Results

Here's the breakdown of what our strategy achieved:

Boost in Engagement: We saw a big jump in how much people interacted online, especially on Instagram. More likes, comments, and shares all around.

  1. Over 200 Sign-Ups: Thanks to our spot-on content, more than 200 people joined the waitlist for the client's new program. That's a lot of interest sparked.

  2. Relatable Brand Storytelling: Our content did more than just share info – it positioned the client as a true expert in their industry.

  3. Content That Gets A Lot Of Miles: One of the best parts? We could take the same great content and tweak it for different platforms. This made sure the brand message was solid and seamless, everywhere.

  4. Turning Views into Leads: But here's the real success – our content didn't just get reach on Instagram; it converted those viewers into leads for the client's online course.

Wrapping up this case study, it's clear that a well-planned content strategy can really establish expertise and pull in leads for online courses. We're not just talking about catching eyes here; we're talking about over 200 people signing up for the client's program because the content really resonated.

Looking to get similar results for your business? Let’s connect here.

In Neha’s Words

I approached Cyndi for done-for-you content intensive. I was clear with who my niche is and what benefits I provide through my services. But translating the same on the content for attracting them was my struggle. That’s where Cyndi’s expertise was mind blowing. Not only she patiently listened to my business and content needs but also did amazing market research and created a well structured core messaging with right usage of words playing with different emotions that stood out and established me as an industry expert. She also leaves so much room for flexibility and creativity that allowed me to repurpose the content across different platforms: Instagram to email campaigns. My engagement went up and I was able to get more than 200 people on the waitlist of my new program launch all through her meticulously crafted content.
— Neha Shah
Cyndi Zaweski

Hey! I’m Cyndi, the owner of Ascent StoryCraft. I’m all about helping you create content your audience cares about. Looking for insight on what to say — and how to say it — online to get clients calling? Drop me a line.

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