How To Use AI To Create Better Content

AI Content Ideas & Post Prompt Generators

Hate it or love it, the toothpaste is out of the tube.

AI content creation and Chat GPT copywriting are here, and there’s no going back.

“Don’t Be Blockbuster” is a phrase one of my favorite copywriting teachers Ashlyn Carter says this a lot on her YouTube channel (which is SO worth checking out BTW). It sticks with me — not just because I’m a 90s kid — but because it’s a delicate balance to stay true to our brand of services while being open to embracing new tech that comes to town.

Plus, we’re still too young and cool to become a tech dinosaur 🦖 😉

2023 has been dubbed the year of AI. But, when copywriting robots first hit the scene I, admittedly, wasn’t too quick to hop on. It was out to steal my job after all, if you caught those fear-inducing headlines too.

I’m coming around. And not just because I don’t want to go the way of Blockbuster.

I’ve taken my time testing different software options: Ghostwriter AI from Tailwind, Copy AI, ChatGPT, Content At Scale, Shakespeare being among the few I’ve tried so far. My honest take? AI is fun to use — and is the cure for writer’s block — but these tools are only as good as the person behind the screen.

AI isn’t capable of reading your mind so you have to get great at articulating your message with specific inputs to properly inform the robot what it needs to generate. It’s truly make or break no matter what AI software is your go-to.

The AI rule to know and respect: 🗑️ Garbage In, Garbage Out 🗑️

Here’s an actionable guide to using AI as your content and copywriting assistant for your online business. Below’s a tried and true AI prompt formula that delivers copy that sounds like you, plus examples of AI-friendly content prompts and copywriting tips to generate brand-specific AI content inputs.

How Does AI Work Exactly?

Are you tired of staring at a blank screen, desperately trying to come up with content ideas? Well, with AI writer’s block is a thing of the past. These tools are used by content creators across various industries to generate blog post ideas, social media posts, and even video content ideas.

But how exactly do these writing robots work exactly? AI, or artificial intelligence, is the ability of machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as problem-solving and decision making.

They tools use algorithms and machine learning to analyze data and generate content ideas that are tailored to your inputs. It does that by analyzing everything from search engine data to social media trends, these generators use that info to pop words based on what you typed into the chat — which is why learning how to write AI prompts and use them properly is KEY to generating good content from these tools.

Some of the most popular AI generators include the breakout star Chat GPT, Ghostwriter AI from Tailwind , and my personal fave the ChatOn app. So, if you're struggling to come up with content ideas or with putting your ideas in words these are a good tools to get unstuck.

3 Benefits Of AI For Content Creation

  1. Save Time On Content Creation: AI generates content ideas in a matter of seconds. When you collab with the robot, you’ll be surprised how bouncing ideas turns into something cool.

    Keeping your voice in your content is key so spend time on the brainstorming side, flesh out those ideas. I like to think of it this way: 80% of your content creation should be ideation. The remaining 20% can be systematized, optimized, and outsourced.

  2. Take Your Creativity To The Next Level: These tools use artificial intelligence to analyze data and generate unique and creative content ideas that you may not have thought of otherwise. Say goodbye to the same old boring topics, and hello to fresh and exciting content!

  3. Overcome Writer's Block: We've all been there - staring at a blank screen, unable to come up with a single idea. AI is a great way to bounce ideas off the wall in order break through writer's block and get those creative juices flowing again.

Tips For Generating Good Copy With AI

1. Be specific: Provide specific details in your message, including any relevant context or background information. Using words and phrases you often use will help the chatbot understand your vibe & provide copy that sounds more like you than a machine.

2. Use simple language: Avoid using complex terminology to ensure that your message is easy to interpret.

3. Use complete sentences: Type in complete sentences rather than fragmented or abbreviated phrases.

4. Be a ruthless editor: Did you know that AI was based on how human copywriters write? Copywriters IRL brain dump dozens of ideas to capture your brand's voice and personality. But we only pick the best for the final product. With AI, take what you love and leave (or reword) the rest.

AI Content Prompt Formula

I don’t know about you but I loooove me a time-saving formula. They are so handy until the skills you’re learning becomes second-nature. This AI content prompt formula adapted by Kajabi’s recipe as worked the best for me in terms of generating usable copy and content ideas.

And the best part? You can use it over and over again!

Just remember this: "Act like [specific person]" + "who is writing about" + "[your topic]" + to achieve "[overall message/lesson/takeaway]" + “in a [your brand voice] tone.”

For example, let's say you want to create prompts for a blog post about the benefits of seltzer water.

“Act like {a health minded female food writer} who is writing a blog post about {5 Benefits Of Drinking Seltzer Water} to achieve {inspiring others to ditch alcohol to feel better} in a [friendly] tone.”

Remember your brand voice and details matter! You can make your prompt even more specific by adding details about your preferred formatting, tone, and style.

Cyndi Zaweski AI Copywriting Tip

My Top AI Copywriting Tip

Avoid information overload!

One detailed request is a million times better than a prompt that takes multiple topics at once.

For example, ask it to write you a blog outline. Then copy paste the individual sections of the outline in to the bot to generate the copy section-by-section.

It might take a little extra time, but entering in the entire blog outline at once gives you a jumbled mess.

AI Content Idea Generation Prompts

One of the best parts of AI is that you can explore a lot of avenues to convey your brand message within seconds. Below are a few ways to use AI prompts to create content, plus examples of how to write the best AI inputs for your business goals. Remember, good prompts are specific and tailored to your audience and brand voice.

Good examples of AI Content prompts

  • A three step short-form video tutorial on how to curl straight hair for beginners.

  • A bride-to-be’s how-to guide for selecting the perfect wedding dress for her body type.

  • A motivational quote that inspires new moms going through the newborn phase.

Bad Examples Of AI Content Prompts

Bad Examples Of AI Content Prompts

  • Curling hair tutorial

  • Wedding dress shopping guide

  • Inspirational quote for moms

No matter where you fall in the AI debate, one thing is for sure: AI can’t replace people in the writing process.

Your input ultimately has the most influence on the output. If anything, AI is a call to level up our ability to concisely communicate what we desire to say our audience.

Are you using AI in your content marketing? PLMK know what you think of it so far in the comments.

Happy Creating! 

Cyndi, Owner of Ascent StoryCraft

Cyndi Zaweski

Hey! I’m Cyndi, the owner of Ascent StoryCraft. I’m all about helping you create content your audience cares about. Looking for insight on what to say — and how to say it — online to get clients calling? Drop me a line.

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