How To Have Fun Creating Content For Your Business

content creation burnout

Do you ever feel like your brand's content has lost its spark? Or you’ve come to view making posts as more of a chore than a chance to connect with your ideal audience? 

Rest assured, it happens to the best of us. The topic of finding joy in content creation actually came up a couple of times in podcasts conversations I had very recently on My Simplified Life Podcast hosted by Michele Glogovac and with marketing strategist Lindsey Burda’s Passion To Purpose Podcast

Falling back in love with your content is way more possible than it seems right now. In fact, this blog is all about bringing the joy, so you can reignite the passion for getting your message out into the world for the right people to hear it. 

Whether it's a lack of inspiration or a feeling of creative burnout, there are plenty of reasons why you might feel disconnected from your brand's content. Here are three surefire ways to get you excited about content creation once again. Let's dive in!

  1. Gamify Content Ideation

I will die on this hill. Asking the right questions is the key to unlocking content that engages others while still being a true reflection your brand. 

One of my favorite techniques is to ask open-ended questions. For example, I’ll ask my health coach client, "What are some ways people can improve their hormone health?" She immediately said, “Sleep!”

Questions like this help me create content that not only highlights my client's expertise but also speaks directly to their audience's needs.

It gets the wheels turning, and I’ll reflect on things like how do sleep problems affect her ideal client’s every day life? How can we express that in content? Gamifying the process gets you thinking outside the box for a truly personal touch to your personal brand.

Another fun approach I use is to take a look at what's currently trending in their industry and put a fresh spin on it. For example, if my client is a fashion blogger for Gen X and animal prints are all the rage, I might suggest a post on "5 ways to rock animal print without looking like a Peggy Bundy."

Try This At Home

Staying on track when I’m solo brainstorming is always a longer process that it should be if I fall down the “research” hole.

To avoid that trap, I start with pen and paper. I’ll make out my ideas and how it flows together before I put the finally touches on it digitally.

No lies, that’s not a short process but it makes my content a true reflection of me.

But hey, sometimes we need to pull posts together fast. That’s when I love a AI.

It’s the answer to writer’s block in my opinion, and a great to tool leverage if you know how to input the right prompts.

I’ll show you make AI work for you here: How To Use AI To Create Content That Sounds Like You.

Streamline the Process

80% of your content creation should be ideation. The remaining 20% can be systematized, optimized, and outsourced.

The key to escaping content creation burnout is is not just about creating a lot of content but creating the right content that resonates with your audience.

Budgeting the majority of creation time for brainstorming your content ideas — aka the fun part mapped out above — is how to prioritize creation for maximum enjoyment. This is where you can really get creative and come up with unique, innovative, and interesting ideas that will set your brand apart.

The remaining 20% of your content creation process can then be systematized, optimized, and outsourced. Establishing stand operating procedures to batch create and schedule content, templatizing graphics, and developing content outlines for captions and blogs are a few way to speed up the monotonous part.

My Content Process Philosophy: Focusing on ideation and outsourcing the more tedious tasks, you can create high-quality content that resonates with your audience, drives traffic to your website, and ultimately helps you achieve your business goals at a reduced risk for burnout.

Loosen Up!

Fun can be a great asset in business content, as it has the ability to engage the audience and make the experience more memorable. By adding humor to your content, you can help to break down barriers, establish trust, and create a positive connection with your audience. This can be particularly useful when dealing with complex or dry topics that might otherwise be difficult to engage with.

fun with content creation

Try It At Home

  1. Adding humor to content: Like adding a pinch of salt to your dish, well-timed humor amplifies the meat and potatoes of your message. Here is How To Incorporate Humor In Your Content. 

  2. Walk Your Talk: What are your brand values? How can you showcase how you live them in real life? For example, I write a lot about how I use pen and paper to illustrate my content so you’ll often see Instagram stories featuring my notebook, tea, and a lit candle. This lends cohesiveness between the conceptual brand message and what it means in everyday life.

  3. Make It Interactive: I love trivia, and you’ll find it a lot in my content. Game-like elements are a fun way to engage with your audience. By incorporating elements such as quizzes, challenges (check out how Taylor Swift did it!) you can create a more interactive and engaging experience for your readers. 

Fall Back In Love With Your Content

My hope these tips help you rediscover the joy of creating content that truly resonates with your audience. Whether it's taking a step back to assess your strategy, refreshing your creative process, or simply injecting some fun into your content, there are plenty of ways to reignite that spark.

With a little effort and a lot of passion, you can create content that you're truly proud of and that your audience will love.

Happy Creating! 

Cyndi, Owner of Ascent StoryCraft

Cyndi Zaweski

Hey! I’m Cyndi, the owner of Ascent StoryCraft. I’m all about helping you create content your audience cares about. Looking for insight on what to say — and how to say it — online to get clients calling? Drop me a line.

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