April Brand Storytelling Ideas To Share On Instagram

April Brand Storytelling Ideas

Injecting some humor into your brand storytelling can really spice things up on Instagram!

Like adding a pinch of salt to your dish, well-timed humor amplifies the meat and potatoes of your message. By tickling your ideal readers’ funny bone, you're tapping into their emotions and connecting with them on a deeper level. Plus, who doesn't love a good laugh?

April is National Humor Month.

Let’s use it as a content prompt to inspire your on brand storytelling.

Infuse Humor In Biz Content

Why Infuse Humor In Biz Content?

Fun can be a great asset in business content, as it has the ability to engage the audience and make the experience more memorable. By adding humor to your content, you can help to break down barriers, establish trust, and create a positive connection with your audience.

This can be particularly useful when dealing with complex or dry topics that might otherwise be difficult to engage with. Ultimately, incorporating fun into your business content can help to make it more enjoyable and effective for your audience.

How To Use Humor In Content Marketing

Infusing humor into business content can make it more engaging, memorable, and enjoyable for readers. Here are some tips on how to do it:

1. Use anecdotes: Start with a personal or relatable story that demonstrates the lesson you're trying to teach. A funny anecdote can help set the tone and make the content more relatable.

2. Use visuals: Incorporate funny memes, cartoons, or illustrations that add humor to the content. Visuals can also help break up the text and make the content more digestible.

3. Use puns and jokes: Add puns and jokes that are relevant to the topic you're teaching. Be careful not to overdo it, as too many puns or jokes can detract from the lesson.

4. Use pop culture references: Incorporate references to popular TV shows, movies, or songs that are relevant to the lesson. This can help make the content more relatable and engaging for learners.

5. Be authentic: Don't force humor into the content if it doesn't fit. Your humor should be authentic and relevant to the lesson you're teaching. Don't be afraid to show your personality and be yourself.

Remember, the goal is to make the content more engaging and enjoyable for learners, not to make them laugh at any cost. Use humor strategically and in moderation, and always keep the lesson in focus.

April Brand Storytelling Inspiration

April is National Humor Month. Let’s use it to inspire brand storytelling that gets laughs and likes on Instagram.

Brand Storytelling Idea:

Draw on a time you learned an unexpected lesson after something went haywire. Today, you can look back and laugh or find lightheartedness in the situation. Use it as an anecdote to teach a lesson or build connection through the always-relatable experience of growth through trial-and-error.

brand storytelling ideas for april

Relevant Story Themes

  • Making Mistakes

    • When you learned through trial and error.

  • Miscommunication

    • When you’re not on the same page as the general population.

      For example, hearing the word “engagement” and thinking about social media not diamond rings.

  • Funny Parallels

    • For Example, “What An Ugly Vegetable Taught Me About Standing Out Online.”

Brand Storytelling Caption Templates 

See below for fill-in-the-blank storytelling captions inspired by April’s content prompt. This caption outline is perfect for talking about the mindset shifts your ideal client needs to make to overcome a common pitfall.

"Have you ever felt like you were starring in a cooking show gone wrong?

I remember the first time I tried [to make your favorite food]. Let’s just say it was more like juggling knives blindfolded on Chopped than becoming Martha Stewart in the making. I added too much salt, burnt the onions, and ended up with a meal that was more like a science experiment than food.

That’s the thing about mistakes — whether it’s in the kitchen or {industry relevant noun (such as Instagram)] — it all comes down to how you learn from the process. Whether you're making __(insert dish or meal)__ for the first time or trying to __(insert common industry mistake)__, don't be afraid to mess up.

Who knows, you might just surprise yourself with [ideal client outcome] - or at least have a funny story to tell at your next dinner party!"

Humor-Infused Storytelling Caption Ideas

  • “Feeling stuck in a rut? Let's get you out of there faster than a cat out of a bathtub. My {offer} will help you find your way to success - without the scratches or wet fur. Plus, I promise not to make you wear a cone of shame. ;) Ready to take the leap? Let's do this!"

  • "Buy one, get one free! Because two is always better than one (unless it's a mosquito bite)."

  • "I'm not saying I'm a superhero, but I have been known to save [client-specific desire] from being wasted."

  • "I don't always have my life together, but when I do, it's usually because [something specific of a desired outcome]."

  • "I'm convinced _________ is a black hole that consumes all my ____, never to be seen again.”

  • "I'm not a doctor, but I do have a PhD in [in your thing]. After [credibility statement], this is the prescription I wish I had [situation your ideal client is experiencing now.]

Ultimately, by using prompts to uncover your unique angle and drawing parallels from your own experiences and perspectives, you can create content that is both authentic and engaging.

Happy Creating! 

Cyndi, Owner of Ascent StoryCraft

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Cyndi Zaweski

Hey! I’m Cyndi, the owner of Ascent StoryCraft. I’m all about helping you create content your audience cares about. Looking for insight on what to say — and how to say it — online to get clients calling? Drop me a line.


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