Find Your Angle: Add Unique Perspective To Your Content

Find Your Angle: How To Add Perspective To Content

A unique angle in content distinguishes your voice in a crowded space, ensuring your message is one audiences can’t find anywhere else.

Have you ever scrolled through your competitors’ content only to think, “All this sounds the same?” The demand to create a lot of content to support your online marketing efforts is at an all time high. Most business owners who DIY their marketing resort to popping in a Chat GPT content prompt, accidentally skipping the part that makes people come back for more: perspective.

Mistaking sheer output for productivity is a common pitfall. Entrepreneurs scramble to adapt to ever-changing algorithms, the latest Instagram features, and the universal wish to spend less time glued to screens. There is a more efficient, and dare I say fun, way to create engaging content without scouring the internet for post ideas: a distinct perspective.

Drawing on my experience a journalist and using content to grow my business, the common denominator is the ability to find and express a unique perspectives. And the good news is that you already have one. Even though many topics you’ll talk about have been extensively covered, making every niche appears overwhelmingly crowded; this doesn't mean it's impossible to get your audience to pay attention to you.

The secret to producing content that stands out in a sea of sameness lies in discovering and nurturing your unique point of view. By approaching typical niche topics with a spin insights your audience can’t find anywhere else, you add an intangible layer value. This approach not only stops the scroll, it builds credibility.

In this article, we’ll talk about how to stand out with content marketing that infuses your unique perspective.

What Is Unique Content?

In journalism, a unique angle can mean the difference between a story that fades into the background and one that captures the public's attention.

For example, during a major event like a national election, while most outlets might focus on the horse race aspect, a journalist might choose to explore the impact of voter turnout initiatives in underrepresented communities, instantly setting their coverage apart. This approach not only enriches the discourse but also draws in readers looking for depth beyond the headlines.

Unique content goes beyond surface level information. Think of it as putting a pair of glasses on your content. Looking at saturated topics through a new “lens” helps us find deeper, untold stories, making familiar topics more interesting and meaningful. This allows you to build rapport and connections faster through content marketing.

Consider a company selling eco-friendly products. Rather than producing generic posts about sustainability, they could share behind-the-scenes stories of how their products are made, highlighting unique partnerships with local artisans or innovative recycling methods. This not only showcases their commitment to sustainability but also builds a narrative that resonates with their audience on a personal level.

Both examples underline the importance of a unique angle—it's not just about telling a story or selling a product; it's about connecting with your audience in a way that's both meaningful and memorable.

Add Unique Perspective to your Content

camera lens represents Add Unique Perspective to your Content

In journalism, finding your angle means identifying the heart of the story—the perspective that makes it relevant and engaging to your audience. This principle is directly transferable to content creation for solopreneurs. Your content's "angle" is its heartbeat, the core idea that makes it resonate with your audience. Here are three ways to find your angle for original content.

What Do You Like To Talk About?

If I pushed you onto a TED Talk stage right now, what could discuss for 20 minutes straight?

Starting with topics you're passionate about isn't just advice for coming with ideas; it's a strategy rooted in personal insight.

As reported in Harvard Business Review, strategies only work if you can figure out how to position your business relevant to your “key stakeholders,” which is a fancy way of saying the larger audience you speak to online and the paying subset of that audience: your ideal clients. We find that intersection through personal insight because having a way of looking at a topic that no-one else has is why people read your content, and not the content of someone who does something sorta like you.

“It’s that aha moment when someone explains something to you and for the first time you “get it.” Or it’s when you put “two and two together.” Or when suddenly in your mind “the lights go on.” We have many metaphors for an incoming insight,” explains HBR.

Your enthusiasm for a subject is your first clue in identifying a compelling angle. This means focusing on the intersection of your expertise and personal revelations.

For instance, if you're a fitness coach with a love for technology, your unique angle could be creating content around "Tech Innovations in Personal Fitness." This approach not only sets your content apart but also makes the creation process more engaging for you and your audience.

What Do You Hate About Your Industry?

The opposite is also true. There’s a time-tested quote from marketing consultant Blair Warren: “People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies.”

Reflect on the aspects of your industry that frustrate you and your audience, or that you believe are misrepresented. Do you have common enemies with your audience? This dissatisfaction is a goldmine for unique perspectives, as it pushes you to challenge the status quo and offer solutions or alternative viewpoints that others aren't addressing. It’s not just about be contrayition, it’s about building comradery with those who already share your view points.

For example, if you're a chef or food entrepreneur frustrated by the widespread use of artificial ingredients in restaurant dishes, your unique angle could be "The Journey Back to Natural Eating." This approach not only sets your content apart but also resonates with a growing audience concerned about food quality and health. It’s about transforming your critique of industry norms into a compelling narrative that advocates for a return to whole, unprocessed foods.

By focusing on the intersection of what you love and what you wish to improve, your content becomes a beacon for change and innovation. This not only establishes your voice as distinct and authoritative but also builds a community of like-minded individuals drawn to your authenticity and passion.

Align Content with Your Core Values

When your content reflects what you stand for, it naturally attracts an audience that shares or respects those values, creating a deeper, more meaningful connection.

Think about the values that are non-negotiable in the way you conduct your business and live your life. Are you committed to sustainability, inclusivity, innovation, or perhaps transparency?

Integrating core brand values into content allows for a distinctive approach to common topics. Take for example, “weight loss” from the perspective of health coaches with two different focuses.

A Holistic Wellness Coach could create weight loss content that speaks to an audience looking for a well-rounded, sustainable approach to health, focusing on the interconnectedness of mental, physical, and emotional well-being. On the other hand, a CrossFit Coach could approach the topic from the vantage point of challenging workouts, emphasizing physical transformation and the benefits of a high-energy, disciplined approach to weight loss.

camera lens represents Add Unique Perspective to your Content

Unique Content Gives You Confidence

Creating content that is authentically yours not only sets you apart but also fosters confidence in your message and your voice. This authenticity resonates deeply with readers and, importantly, reinforces your own belief in the value you bring to the table.

Here’s what my Content Strategy Intensive client, Elizabeth Andersen, Co-Founder of High Vibration Web Design, said about showing up online when you’re true to yourself.

"I can be authentically myself, without the pressure to conform to an idealized standard, [it] has been truly transformative. The unique approach to content and storytelling [let’s me] show up in the world as I am, perfectly imperfect.”

Elizabeth's words highlight the validating cycle of unique content creation; as you grow more confident in your content, your audience grows more engaged and inspired by your authenticity.

Stand Out With Unique Content

Your unique angle is your content creation superpower. It's what makes your content resonate with your audience, establishes your credibility, and builds a community around your brand. By infusing your content with your personal insights, passions, and values, you not only attract an audience that's genuinely interested in what you have to say but also create a space where both you and your readers can grow and learn together.

Happy Creating!


Cyndi Zaweski

Hey! I’m Cyndi, the owner of Ascent StoryCraft. I’m all about helping you create content your audience cares about. Looking for insight on what to say — and how to say it — online to get clients calling? Drop me a line.

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