How To Plan Out Social Media Content Each Month

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Consistency on social media is a tactic everyone preaches — but it’s far from a strategy.

The truth is consistently publishing random posts is what usually ends up happening when small business owners and entrepreneurs follow that sage advice without a system to track and measure content performance. The result is hours wasted in Canva, finagling graphics, and researching hashtags that do little to increase reach to ideal readers. A couple of weeks of that later, the real frustration sets in — because it’s hard to work up the will to stay consistent when the effort is not amounting to more than a couple of likes and a few “great post!” comments here and there. That’s why we’re not gonna rehash that overplayed, and frankly unhelpful, tune of 'how to whip up a month’s worth of content in 10 minutes.'

Curating post ideas that not only speak to the reader but inspire action toward achieving a larger business goal is what we’re talking about in this blog post because my ultimate goal is to save you time in creating more valuable content for your reader and for your bottom line. From understanding the nuances of different social platforms to creating a content calendar that speaks directly to your audience's needs and aspirations, this guide will provide you with practical tips and insights. You'll learn how to strategically plan social media content that engages, inspires, and converts, banishing the question “what I am going to post today?” from your lexicon.

Understanding Your Target Audience & Choosing the Right Platform

The Key to Social Media Success: Knowing Where Your Audience Hangs Out

Understanding your target audience and speaking directly to them is the recipe for success in strategic content marketing.

To get you to that ultimate goal it is essential to know where your audience hangs out online. Success in planning social media hinges on reaching the right audience on the right platform. It's essential to know where your audience spends their time to engage with them effectively. Each social media platform attracts a unique demographic, which each platforms’ users expecting a different experience from their time on that app. Choosing the right one ensures your content reaches those most likely to be interested in your message.

For example, all of my done for you social media clients are on Instagram because it’s incredibility popular with a diverse group of people.

Instagram: A Quick Snapshot

As an example, consider Instagram's user demographics as of 2023:

  • Young Adults Dominate: The platform is popular among the younger crowd, with nearly 61.3% of users aged between 18 and 34. This demographic is highly active, making Instagram ideal for targeting a younger, vibrant audience.

  • Maturing Users on the Rise: There's also a significant presence of users aged 35 to 44, about 15.7%. This shows Instagram's growing appeal among a slightly older demographic.

Knowing these trends, if your target audience falls within these age groups, Instagram can be a key platform for your strategy. Your content should resonate with the interests and lifestyles of these age groups, leveraging Instagram's strengths in visual storytelling and engagement.

The Takeaway: Selecting the right platform is about matching your social media efforts with where your target audience naturally gathers.

dreams are the spice of life mug representing setting content goals

Setting Clear Goals for Your Social Media Strategy

Without clear goals, your efforts can become scattered and ineffective. Let’s dive into how to set achievable and impactful goals for your social media strategy.

1. Identify Your Primary Objectives

Start by asking yourself what you want to achieve through social media. Is it brand awareness, lead generation, customer engagement, or sales? Your primary objectives will shape the content you create and how you engage with your audience.

2. Make Your Goals SMART

SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For instance, instead of just aiming to increase followers, set a goal to gain 500 new followers within three months by posting engaging content thrice a week.

3. Align Goals with Business Objectives

Ensure your social media goals complement your overall business strategy. If your business aims to launch a new product, your social media goal could be to create buzz and educate potential customers about this new offering.

4. Focus on Engagement Over Vanity Metrics

While likes and follower counts are easy to track, engagement metrics like comments, shares, and the quality of interactions are more valuable. These metrics indicate a deeper connection with your audience.

5. Adjust and Evolve Your Goals

Remember, the digital landscape is always changing. Regularly review and adjust your goals based on performance data and changing audience dynamics.

6. Track and Measure Performance

Use analytics tools to track your progress towards your goals. Platforms like Instagram Insights provide valuable data on post performance, audience demographics, and engagement patterns.

7. Celebrate Small Wins

Remember at the beginning of this article when I mentioned how lackluster results lead to a loss of willpower? Please, please, recognize and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. This helps maintain momentum and morale.

How To Plan Social Media Posts Each Month

I won't go too much into content pillars in this blog. But these subtopics of expertise will help you find post ideas your audience is searching for — literally, with search engine optimized keywords. Once you have identified your platforms, set a goal for what you want your content to achieve, and have a understanding of what topics of expertise (content pillars) you'll be discussing, my favorite way approach to planning and distributing content is slicing up macro content. Let me explain:

Understanding Macro vs. Micro Content

Before diving into planning, let’s differentiate between macro and micro content – two foundational elements of a content strategy that fires on all cylinders.

  1. Macro Content: The Cornerstone of Your Brand

    Macro content is your long-form, search engine optimized material. Think blog posts, YouTube videos, and podcasts. This type of content demands more time and effort but offers substantial rewards in terms of engagement, increased visibility, and establishing your brand authority.

    Identifying Your Macro Content: Start by asking, what are the main pieces that will establish you as an expert? Dive into keyword research. Understand what your ideal readers are searching for on Google to ensure they find your most valuable content. SEO tools like Ubersuggest work really well for identify these keywords and related topics.

    Scheduling Creation: Decide the frequency of your macro content. Will it be weekly or monthly? For example, four blog posts per month (one a week) can serve as a solid base for repurposing into micro content.

  2. Micro Content: Keeping You Visible and Engaging

    Micro content consists of shorter, more frequent updates. It includes social media posts, short videos, newsletters, and quick blog updates. It's designed to keep you at the forefront of your audience's minds and maintain regular engagement.

Bringing It All Together

Neither macro nor micro content is superior; they complement each other. Macro content acts as your main attraction, while micro content draws the audience to these larger pieces. For instance, this blog post — yes, the one you’re reading now — will be sliced up into at least five social media posts. The aim? To assist people in planning their content and promote my content membership program, Content Crafters, where I teach these strategies through live workshops and provide ready-to-use, customizable monthly calendars.

Social Media Strategy Example

Social Media Calendar Example Workflow

Start With Macro Content: Plan your major pieces first. These will be your content anchors for the month.

  1. Slice and Dice for Micro Content: Break down your macro content into smaller, digestible pieces. These can be quotes, infographics, short videos, or key takeaways.

    On your content calendar, you can note the 4Ws - Where it’s being posted; What format (Reel, single graphic, etc.); When it’s being published; Why it’s being posted (the big goal from step two).

  2. Distribute Across Platforms: Share your micro content across your chosen platforms, aligning each piece with the platform's strengths and audience preferences.

Choose A Content Management System

Back in my days as a magazine editor, our team and I used to plan out content the old-fashioned way – by hand. This manual method has always had a special place in my personal content planning routine. However, in the digital age of 2024, there's a plethora of digital calendars and content management systems available, making it easier to transition from pen and paper to digital tools. For social media calendars, I highly recommend Trello. It's the tool of choice for our content marketing agency clients, and it offers a great balance of flexibility and organization for managing your content effectively.

Measuring Social Media Goals

Turning Goals into Measurable Outcomes

Once you've set your goals and implemented your content strategy, the next critical step is measuring your progress. This involves tracking specific metrics to determine how well your content aligns with your objectives and making adjustments as needed.

Key Instagram Metrics to Monitor

  1. Engagement Metrics: These include likes, comments, shares, and overall interaction rates. They help gauge how well your content resonates with your audience.

  2. Reach and Impressions: Track how far your content is traveling and how many people it's reaching. This is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of your visibility strategies.

  3. Conversion Rates: If your goal involves driving sales, adding email subscribers, or leads, monitor how many of your social media interactions are converting into web traffic to a sign up page.

  4. Follower Growth: While not the only metric to focus on, the rate at which your follower count grows can indicate the appeal of your content to a broader audience.

Tips For Tracking Social Media Marketing Goals

Using Analytics Tools

Platforms like Instagram Insights and other analytics tools offer a wealth of data. Use these to get detailed insights into audience demographics, post performance, and user behavior.

Regular Reviews and Adjustments

Social media is dynamic, so it’s essential to regularly review your strategy. Analyze what’s working and what isn’t, and don’t hesitate to tweak your approach. This might involve adjusting the type of content, posting times, or even the platforms you use.

Setting Benchmarks

Compare your performance against previous industry benchmarks or your past performance. This will give you a clearer idea of where you stand and where you need to improve. Content experiments are worth trying if you’re not sure why your content isn’t working.

Celebrating Progress

Acknowledge and celebrate the progress you make towards your goals. This not only motivates you but also provides insights into successful strategies that can be replicated or scaled.

Swipe My Monthly Social Media Calendar

As we bring this guide to a close, remember that the essence of effective social media planning lies in understanding your audience, crafting meaningful content, and consistently measuring your progress. Each step you take, from choosing the right platforms to setting achievable goals and analyzing your results, contributes to a stronger, more impactful online presence. Social media is a dynamic and ever-evolving landscape, but with the right tools and knowledge, you can navigate it successfully and connect with your audience in ways that are both authentic and engaging.

Join Our Community: Elevate Your Content Strategy with Content Crafters

If you're looking to deepen your understanding and sharpen your skills, I invite you to join our Content Crafters membership. In this community, we take these concepts further with live workshops, detailed guides, and customizable monthly content calendars designed specifically for your brand.

As a member of Content Crafters, you'll gain access to:

  • Exclusive Workshops: Learn new strategies and get insights from experts in the field.

  • Professional Feedback: Allow me to review your sales pages, social media posts, and email copy for better results.

  • Customizable Content Calendars: Plan your content effectively with our easy-to-use templates.

  • Community Support: Join a network of like-minded individuals who are passionate about content creation and social media strategy.

  • Ongoing Resources: Stay updated with the latest trends and tools in social media marketing.

Whether you're a small business owner, a budding entrepreneur, or a seasoned marketer, Content Crafters is here to support your journey towards mastering social media and content marketing.

Cyndi Zaweski

Hey! I’m Cyndi, the owner of Ascent StoryCraft. I’m all about helping you create content your audience cares about. Looking for insight on what to say — and how to say it — online to get clients calling? Drop me a line.

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