Dissolve the barrier between what you love and who you serve with storytelling content marketing.

Whole person brands are grown by founders who generously share insights from their journey, giving their audience aha moments along the way.

When you’re ready to share content that rallies your community and monetizes your mission, I’m here to help you find the words to do it intentionally.

Hi, I’m Cyndi, a Storytelling Content Marketer with a Journalist Mindset.

My approach to content marketing helps one person businesses turn their experiences and insights into storytelling content that cements their authority and rallies a community around their ideas. 

An award-winning journalist and Columbia-educated digital marketer, I started my content writing business, Ascent StoryCraft, in 2020. Today, my content discussing the intersection of business and personal growth reaches millions of people each year.

Everything I create is aligned to make these core beliefs a reality.

  1. When we do life better, we do business better. I’m constantly learning, dissecting, and connecting the dots. Through my blogs, newsletter, and social media posts, I explore the intersection of personal development and business growth to share aha-moments that help solopreneurs develop insights to share in their content.

  2. Share what you do, learn, and like, and you'll attract the right people.

  3. Every solopreneur with a chef’s kiss skill set and desire to help others can grow a community and sustainable income by publishing organic content.

  4. If you shoulda, coulda, woulda; you have a story that is gonna help someone

  5. Start with frameworks and dismantle them to find the right approach for you.

What My CLients say

The StoryCraft Blog

Storytelling prompts and frameworks to grow your one-person brand.

Become a storytelling SOLOPRENEUR

There is a hole in the market left by all the unpublished content ideas gathering digital dust on your notes app. Second guessing what to say sucks. Content is all about connection.

Yet coming up with engaging ideas almost always requires sitting alone, scrolling the competition’s viral marketing — pitting us against our toughest critic: ourselves.

Join a community 3,000+ learners and leaders building authority by confidently expressing their ideas through storytelling content.

The free StoryCraft Newsletter shares storytelling tips and strategies to attract, impact, and monetize your audience through authentic content.

This is where solopreneurs become storytellers.  These are insights to inspire your best ideas.