5 Social Media Posting Plans (With Examples)

Social Media Content Plan Examples

How to plan social media content for every goal using five results-driven posting strategies.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the relentless need to post, post, post? As if each click on the "publish" button is just a drop in the digital ocean? You're not alone. Today, I’d like to introduce a reframe to release the daily content pressure and gain a strategic vantage point that allows you to see—and plan—the bigger picture.

Enter the unsung hero: The Content Calendar.

The notion that a content calendar exists merely for consistency is, frankly, a disservice to its true potential. A well-structured content calendar does more than keep you on track—it liberates your creativity.

Contrary to popular belief, freedom in creativity doesn't stem from boundless options, but from having a well-defined plan. A content calendar is that very plan—a scaffolding on which you can freely build your vision, without the fear of it toppling over. If time is money, then in the world of content creation, it's also your most valuable asset for ingenuity. A calendar earmarks moments for brainstorming and vision-casting, offering you the headspace to venture beyond the immediate.

Once you make planning a habit, content planning becomes second nature. You’ll become intuitive. Your creative muscles grow stronger, allowing you to pivot, adapt, and innovate with finesse. It’s like training for a marathon; the more you run, the better your form becomes, and suddenly, those once-daunting miles feel like a jog in the park.

The Myth of the Universal Content Strategy

Remember the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Goldilocks went from bowl to bowl and bed to bed, searching for what was "just right" for her. Well, your social media content plan is a bit like Goldilocks' quest—it needs to be "just right" for your brand and your audience.

It's tempting to think there’s a single, fail-proof content strategy or plan calendar template that every successful brand is secretly using. But here's the truth: What works for one may be a disaster for another. There is no one-size-fits-all plan, no single content calendar idea that will catapult every brand to viral stardom.

Create A Posting Schedule for Social Media

So, the question isn't about finding the right way to plan content, but the right way for you to plan content. You're not crafting a one-off project but tailoring a bespoke strategy, as unique as your brand's fingerprint.

Organizing social media content isn't just a task to tick off; it's an actionable commitment to staying consistent, providing value, and, most importantly, being true to your brand's voice and mission. This guide will help you find what posting plan is "just right" for you, ensuring that your content doesn't merely exist but thrives.

By the end of this article, you’ll be able plan social media content for every goal using five results-driven posting strategies, including an example for planning launch content.

what is a posting plan

What Is A Posting Plan?

A posting plan refers to a detailed schedule or framework that outlines what, when, and where you'll be publishing your content.

Unlike a generic content calendar, which can be more of a static document, a posting plan is designed to be actionable and adaptable, ensuring that your content doesn’t merely exist but thrives.

Posting Plan Creation

Posting Plan Creation

  1. Topic Selection: Choose your weekly anchor point and daily blueprints aligned with your content pillars and audience interests.

  2. Content Creation: Develop the actual content—articles, videos, social media posts—around these themes, ensuring they align with your brand voice and objectives.

  3. Schedule: Assign specific dates and times for publishing each piece of content in a content calendar or a similar tool. Make sure it aligns with your weekly and daily motifs.

  4. Analysis: After posting, review performance metrics to see if the content is achieving its intended goals and adjust your future posting plan accordingly.

Social Media Posting Plan #1:

Social Media Posting Plan #1

Focus On One Topic Each Week

Choose one pillar topic per week to plan your content calendar around.

According to the Content Marketing Institute, brands that maintain a focused content strategy are 2x more likely to be effective. This focused topic will guide your blog posts, videos, and social media content.

Post Plan Example

If you're a fitness coach, your weekly anchor could be 'Intermittent Fasting.’ Your blog post could cover its health benefits, your videos could show meals that fit within an intermittent fasting schedule, and your Instagram carousel post could spotlight testimonials or quick tips related to the theme. It’s a great strategy to repurpose content.

Action Steps

  1. Plan a month's worth of pillar topics in advance based on FAQs.

  2. Research keywords that align with these topics.

  3. Designate types of content for each platform around the weekly anchor point.

Social Media Post Plan #2

Social Media Post Plan #2

Rinse & Repeat Daily Themes

Did you know you have to repeat a message at least seven times before someone “gets” it?

A study from HubSpot showed that consistency in brand messaging across platforms can increase revenue by up to 23%.

TLDR: Rotate your content pillars, offering a new tip or insights each time.

Posting Plan Example

If a health coach as three content pillars: exercises, nutrition, and mental health. Mondays could be dedicated to exercise, Tuesdays could be dedicated to nutrition, and so on.

Action Steps

  1. List topics you want to cover for each pillar.

  2. Create a content calendar.

  3. Use audience engagement to understand which topics need more exploration.

Social Media Post Plan #3

Social Media Post Plan #3

Brand Narrative In Action

Every piece of content should be a chapter in a larger narrative. In other words, content without purpose is like a ship without a compass.

A report from Motista reveals that customers who have an emotional connection with a brand have a 306% higher lifetime value.

Posting Plan Example

If your overarching goal is to establish thought leadership, make sure each piece of content contributes to that objective. This could be an in-depth article or a podcast featuring industry experts.

Action Steps

  1. Define your overarching goals and intentions.

  2. For each content piece, ask, "How does this serve my goal?"

  3. Modify your strategy based on performance metrics that align with your objectives.

Post Plan Example #4

Post Plan Example #4

Plan Launch Content

When introducing a new product or service, start with the end in mind.

Market research shows a staggering 27% of sales come from consumers who have been nurtured through the sales cycle by well-crafted content.

Posting Plan Example

If you're launching a new software solution, start with the launch day and work backward. Blog about pain points your product solves, post teasers on social media, and perhaps even release a webinar explaining its unique features.

Action Steps

  1. Identify the key milestones leading up to the launch.

  2. Reverse engineer a content timeline.

  3. Create launch-specific content that serves as a drumroll to the main event.

Social Media Posting Plan Example #5

The 80/20 Principle  for posting

The 80/20 Principle

Embrace the Pareto Principle in your content strategy. According Indeed, brands that focus on community-building and engagement see a 45% increase in customer loyalty.

So, 80% of your content should enlighten, educate, or entertain. The remaining 20% is your space to promote.

Post Plan Example

If you run a cooking blog, 80% of your content could be recipes, cooking tips, and food facts. The remaining 20% could be promoting your own cooking classes or e-books.

Action Step

  1. Audit your existing content.

  2. Calculate the current ratio of value-based vs. promotional content.

  3. Adjust your future content based on this ratio.

Put Your Content Plan Into Action

A worthwhile content strategy is more than a series of tasks; it's a continuous commitment to your brand's integrity and your audience’s needs. With focused weekly themes, daily motifs, purpose-driven content, smart marketing rollouts, and a balanced content mix, you're not just keeping up with the competition—you're setting the pace.

Happy Creating!

cyndi zaweski content planner

I'm Cyndi, the owner of content marketing agency Ascent StoryCraft and the founder of content calendar subscription, Content Crafters, I’m here to help service based entrepreneurs distill their big ideas into easy to consume content.

Ready to level up your content? Start with a free consultation or send me an email at cyndi@cyndizaweski.com.

Cyndi Zaweski

Hey! I’m Cyndi, the owner of Ascent StoryCraft. I’m all about helping you create content your audience cares about. Looking for insight on what to say — and how to say it — online to get clients calling? Drop me a line.


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