Cyndi Zaweski

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How To Create Engaging Instagram Carousel Posts

Did you know that Carousel posts get the most engagement than any other content format on Instagram?

Reels may be tops for increasing Instagram reach to new people, but when it comes to engagement Carousels are the winner.

Instagram Carousels see an engagement rate of 1.92% (even more when all 10 slides are used) compared to an engagement rate of 1.74% for static images and 1.45% for videos, which people tend to scroll through at mass, according to a recent study published in Search Engine Journal

However, that same study discovered that Carousels only take up 19% of all content posted to the site, which means there’s a lot of opportunity for you in 2024. 

This article covers everything you need to know to create an engaging Instagram Carousel post in 2024. Plus, examples and prompts carousels easy to create.

(Note: Instagram announced in March 2024 it plans to let users post up to 20 slides later this year.)

How To Structure Carousels on Instagram

Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a great Instagram carousel post:

Carousel Slide One: Eye-Catching Headline

The first slide of your Instagram carousel post is the most important because it's what will capture your followers' attention and make them want to swipe through to see more. Use high-quality images and a font that stands out (I like size you can see from space). Contrast it against the background to make it readable. The text needs to stop the scroll. Here’s a guide to writing catchy Instagram headlines.

Carousel Slide Two: Make A Statement  

Think of this as a supporting actress that is just as badass as the main character. Remember, when a follower skips your carousel post without swiping through, the algorithm will show it to them again - but this time, displaying the second slide. Don’t miss the rare second change to hook your reader. Use it as chance to make a bold statement or mission-driven message about the topic you’re about to dive into in the following slides.

The Meat Of The Carousel Slides:

Use the following slides to educate, tell your story, or show the benefit of your offer. One effective strategy is to share brand stories that show the real-life benefits of working with your brand, such as before-and-after photos or testimonials from satisfied customers. Another option is to provide educational content that your followers will find valuable, such as step-by-step guides or how-to videos. The key is to keep your audience engaged and delighted, so be sure to use high-quality images or videos and provide context in the captions.

Second To Last Slide:

The second to last slide of your Instagram carousel post is a great opportunity to wrap up your message and provide a clear takeaway for your audience. Summarize the main points of your post. I often use this slide to promo a blog, offering a discount code or freebie related to the topic of the post.

Final Carousel: Call To Action 

The last slide can include a Call To Action. Anytime someone interacts with your content, Instagram takes it as a sign to push more of your content to them. A strong call to action (CTA) encourages people to interact with your posts in a meaningful way. Generic CTAs are like white noise on Instagram. Blanket statements such as “like,” “comment,” or “tag your __!” are most likely going to get your post ignored. What you can do instead is ask a question or a request specifically related to your post. Be sure to make the CTA clear and easy to understand.

I also like to include a headshot on my final slide to humanize my brand. You can see some examples on my Instagram @ascent_storycraft

Instagram Carousel Post Ideas

  1. Storytelling Carousels: Storytelling is captivating in all formats, but Carousels offer as special element of engagement because people have to swipe through the slides. Think of relatable metaphors, your own brand story, or stories from other iconic brands to help readers remember your message. Storytelling Carousel Example

  1. Memes Carousels: Inject humor and relatability into your content with carousel memes. Create a series of funny or witty images or videos that capture emotions while making concepts more digestible. Memes are highly shareable and can help humanize your brand while increasing engagement and brand awareness. Meme Carousel Example

  2. Testimonials: “Client love” doesn’t cut it anymore. We used to be able to share quotes from our happy clients on a static image to get a reasonable amount of engagement and interest from new clients. But the more content that comes online, the colder audiences get to concepts they’ve seen already. “Client love” is a prime example of a played out concept. Good news: There are more interesting ways to share testimonials on Instagram, with added context that make people more apt to buy. Testimonial Carousel Example

  3. Roundups/Listicles: Create curated lists or roundups of related content or products within a carousel. Organize your content into digestible slides, offering recommendations, “top tools,” or resources to your audience. They are great when you need something to post in a pinch because roundups and listicles don’t always have to be content you’ve created. Think: “5 Ted Talks That Will Make You More Productive” or “5 Family Friendly Hotels In Atlantic City.” Roundup/Listicle Carousel Example

  4. Education: Use Carousels as an educational tool to share valuable knowledge or insights with your audience. Break down complex topics into easy-to-understand slides, providing step-by-step instructions, tutorials, or informative graphics. Educating your audience establishes your brand as an authority in your industry and fosters trust and credibility. Educational Carousel Example

Add Music To Carousel For More Engagement 

You can now add music to Carousels on Instagram to "express your creativity and connect with friends," according to Instagram. This recently added music feature gives you more control over what kind of vibe you want to emanate. This feature comes on the heels of others added to make Carousels more engaging, like the Instagram collaboration feature, caption polls, and "Add Yours" prompts. 

Create Engaging Instagram Carousel Posts

Instagram Carousel posts are like a Swiss Army knife for your Instagram content strategy: versatile, message-driven, and engaging. Now that Instagram is testing Carousels within Reels, which lets people post multiple slides in a single Reels post — the potential for higher reach is greater than ever.

What do you think about Instagram Carousel posts? Do you think they have the potential to be more popular than Reels in 2024? Let me know below.

Happy Creating! 

Cyndi, Owner of Ascent StoryCraft

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Instagram Carousel FAQs